Αποκεντρωμένο Σύστημα Εξαερισμού με Ανάκτηση θερμότητας (HRV) της QualityAir.
Εφαρμόστε τo σύστημα μας στο χώρο σας, εκεί που ζείτε και αναπνέετε καθημερινά, και δημιουργήστε τέλειο κλίμα. Τα συστήματα μας ανανεώνουν τον εσωτερικό αέρα 24 ώρες την ήμερα αυτόματα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα εξοικονομούν σημαντικά ποσά ενέργειας που καταναλώνονται για θέρμανση και ψύξη.
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Decentralised heat recovery ventilation (HRV) system of QualityAir.
Install QualityAir’s ventilation system and enjoy clean, fresh and safe indoor air in your living space ( home, office, classroom) 24/7, while significantly reducing your heating and cooling costs.
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How does it work and how does it differ from a conventional central ventilation system?

With independent ventilation units
Ιnstead of a central unit that branches throughout the building with hidden ducts inside the ceiling and walls, the QualityAir ventilation system uses stand-alone units mounted point by point in each room separately.

With Heat Recovery
The ventilation units include a ceramic heat exchanger, which transfers the heat from the hottest to the coolest air, to heat fresh but cool air in winter. On the contrary, the units cool the fresh but hot air in summer.

With Smart Technology
The ventilation units also consist of cutting-edge technology sensors that monitor humidity, twilight, and carbon dioxide (optional). After processing the received data, the ventilation units adjust their operation accordingly (always in coordination with the other ventilation units) to achieve the desired atmosphere.
Solutions Provided
(For existing and under construction buildings)
Full house System
For teaching classrooms
For offices
(Small and medium sized spaces)
For hotel rooms
** Στις λύσεις μας περιλαμβάνονται αποτύπωση του χώρου, σχεδιασμός σύμφωνα με διεθνή πρότυπα (ASHRAE STANDARDS), προμήθεια εξοπλισμού, εγκατάσταση, διαμόρφωση συστήματος.
Fresh Air 24/7
Get rid of any unnecessary humidity, carbon dioxide and other volatile substances produced by our breath and daily activities, that usually get stuck in your living space atmosphere. Also get rid of harmful substances released from your furniture and building materials.
Protection against viruses
Protect yourself from covid and other airborne pathogens that can cause allergies, infections and other diseases.
Better Health
Live in an environment where the air is always fresh and clean air and improve your health.
Prevent Mould Growth
Reduce humidity and prevent mould growth.

Energy saving
Heating and cooling energy savings from 30% to 50%.
Value for money
Installation, operation, and maintenance costs are about 50% lower compared to those of any conventional central ventilation system..
Silent mode
Thanks to the new brushless fan technology the noise level can drop down to 18 db.
Sound insulation
The QualityAir ventilation system uses ambientika devices which are designed to leave outside noise outside. Certified IFT Rosenheim: -40dB, EN ISO 10140-1: 2010 + A1: 2012 + A2: 2014 EN ISO 10140-2: 2010 EN ISO 717-1: 2013
Protection against burglars
Let the fresh air get into your home but not burglars. Keep your windows closed and allow fresh air into your house when you are sleeping and when you are out, without worrying about housebreakers
Fall protection
Keep windows closed to protect your children from falling, without depriving them of fresh air.
Even cleaner air
The QualityAir ventilation units integrate an upgradable filter that further purifies atmospheric air entering your living space.
High aesthetics
QualityAir living room ventilation units fit all furniture types. Only the outlets for supply and exhaust air are visible and these are discreetly concealed by design cover grilles.
Easy maintenance
Maintenance and cleaning are extremely easy thanks to easily removable parts, and LED light that indicates when the filter needs to be cleaned.
Automatic mode
In automatic mode, the decentralized ventilation system regulates itself independently and ensures ideal living comfort without you having to intervene
Certified Quality
Solutions Provided
(For existing and under construction buildings)
Full house System
For teaching classrooms
For offices
(Small and medium sized spaces)
For hotel rooms
**Solutions include site mapping, design according to international standards (ASHRAE STANDARDS), equipment supply, installation, system configuration.
Remove unnecessary humidity, carbon dioxide and other volatile substances produced by our breath and daily activities, that accumulatively can damage our health. Vent out all contaminants released from your building materials and furniture, which can be harmful for your health. It is well known that indoor living spaces are full of pollutants that we are not aware of, because they are usually invisible and odorless. Nevertheless, they attack our respiratory system without any warning and in a cumulative way. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), poor ventilation allows pollutants coming from building materials such as paints and varnishes as well as fuel emissions and radon emissions to accumulate in indoor air. Moreover, WHO explains that mold, an allergy and asthma trigger, thrives in poorly ventilated areas. They further note that hosts, such as mosquitoes, pose a greater threat in areas with trapped air. Finally, WHO states that studies have shown that the improvement of natural ventilation can reduce lung diseases by up to 20%.
Protect yourself from covid and other airborne pathogens that can cause allergies, infections and other diseases. Only with a professionally designed ventilation system, such as that of QualityAir’s, can you ensure that used and possibly contaminated with viruses, bacteria and fungi indoor air is exchanged with fresh clean air continuously. A pair of ventilation units create an air stream that sweeps away used and potentially polluted air, replacing it with fresh and clean air at the same time. As a result, high concentrations of covid and other airborne organisms are avoided, thereby reducing the chances of contamination.
Live in an environment where the air is always fresh and clean and improve your health. Research has shown that indoor air can be up to 5 times more polluted than outside air. Especially in places we live every day, such as our home and workplace, the pollutants that accumulate in the air can seriously damage our health. Studies conducted by scientists from Harvard, Syracuse and SUNY universities have shown that those who work in well-ventilated offices perform much better in difficult projects and generally feel well and in a good mood. Overall, it seems that good air quality has a positive effect on our whole body:
1.It can improve the digestive system. Clean air increases oxygen flow throughout your body, which helps you digest food more effectively.
2.It improves blood pressure. When we are in an environment with high levels of pollutants, and by extension low concentration of oxygen, our body has to work harder to supply cells with the necessary oxygen level, increasing blood pressure. On the contrary, when the environment has fresh and clean air, the body covers its needs for oxygen with less effort, i.e. with lower blood pressure.
3.It improves mental health. The more oxygen we breathe, the more the production of serotonin, which is responsible for a sense of satisfaction and wellbeing.
4. It helps clean your lungs. Increased oxygen causes the lungs to dilate more which results in the release of airborne toxins when exhaling.
5. It improves brain function. Most of us have felt that after an outdoor walk, we have a clearer head, This is because the higher levels of oxygen in the fresh and clean air help in better functioning of our brain while also improving our ability to focus.
QualityAir’s ventilation units are equipped with state-of-the-art sensors that reduce the need for manual operation to a minimum. The self-regulating and fully automated operating mode (auto mode), which is recommended for daily use, undertakes the measurement and adjustment of relative humidity.
Heating and cooling energy savings from 30% to 50%.
Upgrade your house’s energy performance It is well known that ventilation through windows wastes significant amounts of heating and cooling energy, which negatively impacts the energy performance of the building.
How does QualityAir’s decentralized ventilation system save energy?
Winter During winter, when the heating is on, we should open windows and let fresh air get indoors on a regular basis for the sake of our health and property. In this case, when the colder air enters our room, the indoor temperature drops, which forces the heating system to increase its power and thus energy consumption to maintain the desired temperature. What changes in living spaces where QualityAir decentralized ventilation system has been installed, is that fresh air enters and exits through ambientika ventilation units, passing through a heat exchanger, instead of windows which. With this in place, the ceramic exchanger inside ambientika, absorbs and stores heat from the warmer indoor air, and later transfers it to the colder incoming fresh air. In this way, the fresh air in your living space gets heated passively, thereby saving energy and costs., .
Summer Season (though heat recovery) . On the other hand, during summer, the ceramic exchanger recovers heat from the warmer outdoor air, stores it, and later transfers it to indoor air. In this way, the fresh air in your living space gets cooler but with reduced cooling costs.
Summer Season (Passive Cooling) During the afternoon and evening hours, when the atmosphere is cooler, you can disable the heat recovery and activate flow mode, allowing fresh air to flow through foe free, while you sleep with windows closed, or even when you are not at home.
Installation, operation, and maintenance costs of QualityAir’s ventilation system are up to 50 % lower compared with conventional central ventilation systems. Ambientika ventilation units combine know-how and cutting-edge technology to successfully recover up to 93% of heat and save heating and cooling costs. Based on this data, QualityAir is an ideal specifically for easy and sustainable solution for homes, small and medium-sized offices and classrooms.
The QualityAir ventilation units integrate an upgradable filter that further purifies atmospheric air entering your living space.
Stay away from dust, pollen and other pollutants that accumulate in the outdoor atmosphere. The self-regulating ventilation system of QualityAir provides a series of filters that can significantly improve the quality of fresh air entering your living space. With the pre-installed G3 filter, all ambientika ventilation devices have the ability to remove airborne particles larger than 10 μm (dust, ash, pollen, seeds and even small insects). If deeper filtration is required to prevent smaller air pollutants and finer pollen from entering your space, these filters can be upgraded to activated carbon or F5 class filters.